Friday, May 25, 2007

Leave Irish Dancing to the Irish Dancers

So let me just state, now that I'm back to competitive Irish Dance after being gone for a year, and I have my first competition of the year on Sunday I just want to point out that this is Irish Dance

now that isn't actual footage of a competitoin, but its a part of what Irish Dance competitions may have.... I won't even attempt to explain becuase it gets too involved.

This,on the other hand,is not Irish Dance

They make lok like they are, but they're not and I know they're having fun and all but the people who jump around like idiots don't understand how much work gets put into the steps of a 1 min. and 30 sec. dance. It takes weeks, months, even years of training, and its long and intense training if you want to be a very high ranked dancer. So like I said I know that they're just having fun and what not but I just find it kind of ridiculous and upsetting


Roger Chillingworth said...

I wish I could Irish dance ): It looks so cool when the pros do it.

The Teacher Formerly Known as... said...

Yeah, leave it to the pros... really, the others just look ridiculous.

Kristen said...

Eh, kids will be kids.
None the less, I have a huge amount of respect for the people that do stick with something like that so long and do put so much time and effort into it; it really is something to be proud of. So I can definitely see why the kids who are just being ridiculous would frustrate you, actually, they frustrate me! I think I get like that when people make fun of art or things that I like and know that a lot more work goes into it than is seen... but anyway...

Hunt those kids down, Sam! >:D

Maire said...

oh my goodness HAIL TO YOU SAMANTHA MANZUK... every time i go to an Irish Fest i have to control my anger because i just want to b-slap them all... but i give you props for competing again...

go you!!... and i saw you at DQ today yay for ice cream too...

how did you do?

Madie said...

Oh the treble reel, just watching it makes me want to go dance some more!
Ah, Sam, we danced together at the feis!
Hah, I think every Irish dancer knows the amount of work that has to be put into it.
It's one of those things you really have to love =]