Thursday, June 21, 2007

2008 Election

I know it's a ways off, but is anyone here going to be old enough to vote in it when it comes? I will be. And I want to make the best possible choice I can, so I guess it's not to early to start researching, eh?


Roger Chillingworth said...

Not I :C

Anonymous said...

Neither am I. *sigh* I wish I was though...

Maire said...

i will be for shizzle...

but only the real election not the primary

Anonymous said...

Wait, Maire, isn't the rule that if you're old enough for the election, you can still vote in the primary? That's just what I thought...

Maire said...

i don't think i want to start out with the primary for my first election at least. I would rather have it narrowed down

Christina (is awesome) said...

Yeah, but Laura's right... you could do that, Maire.

Anyway, I won't be old enough. :( I'm just a baby, as you all probably know. lol